Let's Make The Following File:

nano op25start.sh

And Paste In The Following:


sleep 12

cd /home/pi/op25/op25/gr-op25_repeater/apps
./rx.py  --args 'rtl' --gains 'lna:30' -X -T trunk.tsv -q 0 -S 960000 -U -P "symbol,fft" -l 'http:' -2 -v 10 2> stderr.2

And Save
Now Let's Make Another One:

nano op25log.sh

And Paste In The Following:


sleep 12

cd /home/pi/op25/op25/gr-op25_repeater/apps/oplog

And Save
To Make The Script Executable:

chmod +x op25start.sh
chmod +x op25log.sh
Run The Following Command To Add The Two Lines Of Code:

sudo nano /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart

@lxterminal -e "/home/pi/op25start.sh"
@lxterminal -e "/home/pi/op25log.sh"

And Save
Now Reboot:

sudo reboot
This Will Start Both The OP25 Dashboard And Log Page. Port 8080 And 5000.