How To Install ModeSMixer2 On A Raspberry Pi
Goto “ModeSMixer Download”  And Download The File For The Pi

tar -xvf modesmixer2_rpi2-3_deb9_20180616.tgz 
"Change file name to match what was download"

./modesmixer2 --inConnect --inConnect --web 8088 --location 39.xxxx -100.xxxx
"Don't forget to change the IP, Port, and location"
Below the video shows more options for ModeSMixer2 to choose from"
ModeSMixer2 Program options:

  --h [ --help ]               This help message
  --inConnect <arg>            Input TCP connector. Format: host:port
  --inServer <arg>             Input TCP server. Format: port
  --inServerId <arg>           Input TCP server with Id. Format: port:id
  --inServerUdp <arg>          Input UDP server. Format: port
  --inSerial <arg>             Input Serial (USB). Format: port[:speed[:flow_control]]. FlowControl: none,software,hardware
  --outConnect <arg>           Output connector. Format: type:host:port. Types: beast,avr,avrmlat,msg,sbs30006
  --outConnectId <arg>         Output TCP connector with Id. Format: host:port[:name:lat:lon:TEXT:freq]
  --outConnectUdp <arg>        Output UDP connector. Format: type:host:port. Types: beast,avr,avrmlat,msg,sbs30006
  --outServer <arg>            Output TCP server. Format: type:port. Types: beast,avr,avrmlat,msg,sbs30006,sbs10001,fatsv
  --globes <arg>               Enable Globe-S server. Format: port:tablename:stationid
  --web <arg>                  Enable Web Server on port (default: off)
  --web-auth <arg>             Enable web auth username:password (default: off)
  --disable-web-log            Disable Web Log (default: on)
  --silhouettes <arg>          Set Silhouettes directory
  --pictures <arg>             Set Aircraft Pictures directory
  --db <arg>                   Set DB Filename
  --frdb <arg>                 Set FlightRoute DB Filename
  --location <arg>             Receiver location Lat:Lon. Example: 36.2:-15.3
  --add-reference-point <arg>  Add a new reference point for calculating distance and azimuth to the map. Example: 37.1234:-14.9876:[Label1]
  --add-points arg             Add additional points (single or list) with coordinates to the map. Example: 36.2345:-15.3456:[Label1] [38.5432:-12.6789:[Label2]] ...
  --localtime                  Local Time in MSG format output (default: UTC)
  --filter-expire <arg>        Filter expire time, sec (default: 20)
  --filter-count <arg>         Filter min count (default: 6)
  --filter-time <arg>          Filter min time, sec (default: 60)
  --filter-nocountry           Disable ICAO Country filter (default: on)
  --filter-ic                  Enable Interrogator Code filter (default: off)
  --flight-expire-time <arg>   Flight expire time, sec (default: 3600)
  --log-noconsole              Disable logging to console (default: on)
  --log-file <arg>             Enable logging to file (default: off)
  --log-level <arg>            Set logging level 0..5 (default: 4). 0 disabled, 1 error, 2 warning, 3 notice, 4 info, 5 debug
  --metric                     Switch to metric system of distance measurement (default: imperial)