sudo apt update
sudo apt install darkstat
Let's Edit The Config File:
sudo nano /etc/darkstat/init.cfg
Save When Done
# Turn this to yes when you have configured the options below.
START_DARKSTAT=yes ## Change No To yes
# Don't forget to read the man page.
# You must set this option, else darkstat may not listen to
# the interface you want
INTERFACE="-i eth0" #Interface That You Want To Monitor
DIR="/var/lib/darkstat" #Uncomment Line
PORT="-p 666" #Uncomment And Change Port To 8080
BINDIP="-b" #Uncomment And Change IP To Match Your Computer
LOCAL="-l" #Uncomment And Change To Match Network
Let's Start Darkstat:
sudo /etc/init.d/darkstat start
Open Up A Web Browser And Go To IP Of Computer: