sudo apt install wget build-essential cmake pkg-config libmp3lame-dev libshout3-dev libconfig++-dev libfftw3-dev
Download Software: 
Run Each Line One At A Time:

wget -O RTLSDR-Airband-5.0.0.tar.gz

tar xvfz RTLSDR-Airband-5.0.0.tar.gz

cd RTLSDR-Airband-5.0.0
Make The Build Dir:

mkdir build
cd build
Let's make & install:
Run Each Line One At A Time:

cmake ../
sudo make install
Let's Add The Code:

sudo nano /usr/local/etc/rtl_airband.conf

Put The Following And Save
type = "rtlsdr";
index = 0;
gain = 32;    #Gain Setting
correction = 0;   #ppm
mode = "scan";
freqs = ( 123.1, 119.0, 120.5, 132.2 );        #Add Freq's Here
outputs: (
          type = "icecast";
          server = "";
          port = 80;
          mountpoint = "MOUNTPOINT";  # Do not include the slash "/"
          name = “Aviation Name";
          genre = "Aviation";
          username = "source";
          password = "PASSWORD";
To Start The Software:

sudo rtl_airband -f

Control c To Stop Software